Transfer tokens

Learn how to transfer assets between sub-accounts on Mirai

The Transfer feature on Mirai allows users to move both deposited and debt assets between different sub-accounts within the platform. This can be useful for managing different positions, isolating assets, or for security and organization purposes. It's important to ensure that any borrowed assets have enough collateral in the related sub-accounts before transferring any assets, as it may affect the health of the sub-account and the overall position of the user. Here are the steps to transfer assets between sub-accounts:

  1. For transferring deposits (MTokens):

  • Ensure that you have sufficient deposits of the selected asset in the sub-account you are transferring from.

  • Select the Mirai sub-account you want to transfer from.

  • Select the Mirai sub-account you want to transfer to.

  • Select the asset you want to transfer

  • Enter the amount you want to transfer

  • Select "Max" to transfer all the available deposit of the selected asset (or the maximum amount possible based on your 'from' sub-account positions)

  • Select "Safe Max" to transfer enough such that your 'from' sub-account will have a health score of 1.25

  1. For transferring debt tokens (DTokens)

  • Ensure that you have sufficient debt tokens of the selected asset in the sub-account you are transferring from.

  • Select the Mirai sub-account you want to transfer from.

  • Select the Mirai sub-account you want to transfer to.

  • Select the asset you want to transfer

  • Enter the amount you want to transfer

  • Select "Max" to transfer all the available debt of the selected asset (or the maximum amount possible based on your 'to' sub-account positions)

  • Select "Safe Max" to transfer enough such that your 'to' sub-account will have a health score of 1.25

It is important to note that user can transfer multiple assets at once but it will require multiple actions sent to the transaction builder. It is also important to keep an eye on your collateralization ratio, interest rate and repayment schedule before and after the transfer, to help ensure successful and timely repayment.

Last updated